Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Good Stuff

My intention with this blog was to focus on the positives.  Some weeks are harder than others.  Like this past week.  It started out with a Mother's Day...... baseball tournament.  Like WTAF, am I right?  I'm guessing a dad planned that one, because even if mom doesn't want a fancy brunch for Mother's Day, I can't tell you what she doesn't want... another effing baseball tournament.  

Let's move on to middle of the night Monday.  The oldest child is sick.  Like throw up red vomit all over his bedding and carpet.  Twice.  For the love of God child, your six year old brother can get to the bathroom to puke, it's time for you to get it together.  Tuesday morning greeted us with middle child throwing up, and me feeling like DEATH.  So, yeah, Tuesday was fun.

Thursday (in mid May mind you) mother nature decided to give us winter temperatures and snow, and our nanny was now sick, leaving me to  juggle work with three stir crazy kids after school. FUN TIMES.

BUT my friends.... I promised a blog about the good stuff, and yes, even amid the vomit and snow of this past week there was in fact some good stuff, and for the most part, if you look hard enough there usually is.

The Good Stuff:

My youngest son is moving from five to six in a matter of weeks and we threw him a GIGANTIC space-themed birthday bash.  Now for some of you the thought of hosting 20 plus kids and their parents at your home might cause you to hyper-ventilate, but not me, I am in my element.  I have always loved planning my kid's parties, and I know my time is running short. My older kids don't want a theme party with goodie bags of plastic crap, but my little Julian still lets mommy go to town making the arrangements.  Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT at Pinterest mom.  My ideas are less crafty and more extravagant, irresponsible spending.  We had a spaceship pinata, a rocket photo booth a bunch of black t-shirts, glow in the dark fabric paint and planet stencils.  We had astronaut ice cream and glow sticks galore.  The party was EPIC, well at least by six year old standards.  My older boys helped out by hiding treats for the treasure hunt and even stood back for the little kids when the pinata was smacked open.  Julian got boat loads of toys he doesn't need, the kids got high on way to much sugar, and it was by far the happiest moment of the week.  Not everyone loves birthdays the way that I do, I get that.  But for me,  I feel there is a lot of not-so-good-stuff in day to day life, and thus, it is critical to celebrate happy occasions at every opportunity.

So there you have it, a hard week ending on a high note, and here's to hoping for a vomit-snow-free week ahead!

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